Euro Assistant is an euro currency conversion calculator for the Macintosh. With Euro Assistant you can:
• convert the 11 EMU national currencies (BEF, DEM, ESP, FRF, IEP, ITL, NLG, ATS, PTE, FIM), the 4 EU currencies not participating to the Economic and Monetary Union (DKK, GRD, GBP, SEK) and 6 other "important" non-UE currencies (USD, JPY, CHF, NOK, CAD, AUD) to euro, the single European currency, and back;
• convert a national currency to another national currency;
• calculate and convert the result of algebraic expressions;
• simultaneously display more national currencies;
• define up to 5 custom currencies;
• edit euro exchange rates for non-EMU currencies;
• import and automatically convert series of values stored in text files and clippings;
• log and print conversions;
• save or clip conversions to a text file.
Euro Assistant is a multilingual application running in 10 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Danish and Swedish.
System Requirements
Euro Assistant needs 68020 processor or better with System 7.5 or higher.
Liability Limitations
Euro Assistant is licensed and delivered on an "as is" basis. The authors, Barbara Canino and Marco Damaschi, aren't liable, neither implicitly nor explicitly, for the quality of their computer software product and for its fitness for any particular purpose. All risks regarding performances and effects are charged on the user.
In no case the authors, Barbara Canino and Marco Damaschi, can be considered liable for any possible damage, direct or indirect, as for instance data loss, deriving from proper or improper use of Euro Assistant, even if the authors might be aware of the risk of such damage.
Distribution Conditions
The Euro Assistant package may be freely distributed, but it must remain in its unmodified entirety. It cannot be sold or distributed on payment and it cannot be inserted in commercial freeware/shareware collections without the written permisson of the authors. The latest version of Euro Assistant is always available at
We would like to thank Troy Gaul for his Infinity Windoid 3.0, which has been used for the implementation of the System 7 Tape window, and Ammon Skidmore for his suggestions concerning floating window implementation.
We are finally grateful to Geert Desmet for his euro web pages, a clear and extensive guide to the European single currency ( and to Professor Werner Antweiler for his "The EURO - Europe's New Currency" ( and "Currencies of the World" ( web pages. The ISO codes available in the "New Currency" dialog box were taken from Professor Antweiler's "Currencies of the World" web page.